Giving is an opportunity for us to return a portion of what God has abundantly blessed us with for an even greater blessing. As we cheerfully give back to God, we are making a statement that he is first in our lives. Giving is a prayerful decision that comes from the heart.
There are giving methods available other than cash or check which fit a more mobile lifestyle. Use the most comfortable method for you.
Securely give online with a debit card, bank account, or credit card. A PayPal account is not required. After filling in the amount below and clicking the Donate button, a new page will open. Click Continue near the middle of that page. (*There may be a convenience fee charged.)
Bank Bill Pay
Use your online bank’s bill pay service to give without waiting for a check to be cashed since it is electronically recorded immediately in your account. Add the below information as a Payee, your last name as the account number, and the purpose of the payment in the memo section.
First Southern Baptist Church
1400 N 3rd East
Mountain Home, ID 83647
Account #: (Last name)
Memo: (tithes, offering, missions, other)
God has richly blessed you with talents and gifts. Use them wisely to serve in different areas of the church.